How to Stop Feeling Like You're Inferior, Passive, or Weak

The feeling of weakness is something that we've all experienced at some point in our lives. Some have it harder than others, but regardless of the situation there are always things that can be done to feel better about yourself.
Compliment your strengths and focus on them, chances are your being very hard on yourself.
Talk to someone that you can open up to, a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend,a parent, sibling, etc. Tell them why you feel so weak, maybe see what they have to say about your situation.

Let yourself be happy, don't put yourself through hell, you don't deserve it.
Understand that you are human; you are not perfect. Anyone you think is perfect isn't. Anyone you know who says they're perfect isn't. Understand that perfection is an opinion, there is no absolute meaning.

 If you feel you lack physical strength then try working out, and if you're old enough then join a gym. Physical activity is a great self confidence booster and has tons of health benefits. Physical activity will reduce stress, allow you to sleep better, and help you feel energized and positive. Likewise, you will be developing a talent/skill that you can be proud of. Remember, physical activity ranges from archery to dodgeball to water polo. Try out all sorts of things to find what suits you best!

Do extracurricular activities.
 Join a club, meet new people, and develop new interests. This will keep you from having enough time to be depressed about your inferiority complex. If you feel inferior because your not doing well in school, join a tutoring program and get a tutor to help you boost your marks and your self-esteem.

Stand up for yourself! Don't let good things in life pass you by because you didn't speak up, and remember to think positive, don't focus on your mistakes. You have opinions and they are valuable. If people neglect to acknowledge the value of your opinions they are not worth your worry.
Know that you are not inferior to anyone, and that everyone is equal - race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, and size are not factors.

Don't let someone walk all over you.
 Stand your ground; your opinion is just as important as theirs.

Don't be afraid to talk to a counselor if someone is making you feel this way.
 Tell someone you care about that you are feeling down and inferior, and they will help you understand your feelings and look at life more optimistically.

Hang out with the people who understand you!
 Have fun and be happy. Happiness and company will make you forget about your insecurities and you'll be more confident around the people that understand your situation.


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