How to Communicate Your Weaknesses

There will come a time in everyone’s career (or life in general) when a person is asked to identify their primary weaknesses. It is also a very common interview question, and a tough one to answer because there are no “great” responses. If you are not ready for this question, it can be very awkward and the answer may not come across in a good way. Learn how to identify and understand your weaknesses and how to properly communicate them to others.

Understand the question. When you’re asked about your weaknesses, especially in an interview, it’s usually not the weakness that’s the most important thing. It’s whether you are aware of your weaknesses and what you do about them. If the answer is “I don’t have any," then it becomes obvious that the primary weakness is a lack of self-awareness. Also, it's important to understand that being aware of weaknesses is not the same as being weak. Knowing about and compensating for your weakness is in fact a very important strength.

Be prepared. You should regularly examine yourself to identify your primary weaknesses. If you don’t know what they are, you can’t communicate them to others. If you already know the answer, you won’t have to fumble and you will have considerably greater esteem in the eyes of the interviewer.

Analyze your weaknesses regularly. As indicated above, this is not a one-time shot. You should do this exercise on a somewhat regular basis. Start with a 3-month recurring cycle and if that’s too often, drop it down to once every 6 months.

Be honest but strategic. Saying "I'm a perfectionist, and I hold people too accountable" when you're not, and you don't, isn't a good idea. When someone asks you about your weaknesses, be honest. Tell the truth. At the same time, learn how to massage the truth to put your best foot forward. (This is called "public relations.") This will help you present yourself as a more well-rounded candidate.


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