How to Look Good in the Morning

Mornings are hard for many of us. Whether you pulled an all-nighter, didn't sleep well, or are rushed to get out of the house on time, you still want to look good. This can be achieved with a little bit of preparation the night before and a solid morning routine.

Pick out your outfit.
 Before you go to bed, decide what you will wear tomorrow. This will keep you from digging through your closet, trying on a bunch of clothes, and making a mess. Once you make a choice, lay out the shoes, accessories, and anything else you plan to wear.
·         Check the weather and your schedule to make sure your outfit is appropriate. Do you have an important meeting the next day? Is it going to be hot and humid or rainy?

Get enough sleep. Sleep is important for your mental and physical health. Try to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. While you are sleeping, blood flow to your skin increases. Adequate sleep will keep your eyes from being puffy and keep you from waking up with dull skin.
·         It's important for you to develop a regular sleeping schedule. Over time, not getting enough sleep causes your skin to age and makes you more prone to wrinkles.
·         Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase. These materials are less drying for your skin and will keep you from waking up with creases on your face.
·         Some people may need more than 9 hours of sleep of night or less than 7 hours of sleep a night. Adjust the time based on your needs and how you feel when you wake up in the morning.
·         Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine because they can keep you awake or disrupt your natural sleep cycle.
·         Try not to nap too close to your bedtime or you will have difficulty falling and staying asleep.

Stay hydrated.
 Your skin is comprised primarily of water and needs to be hydrated from both the inside and outside. If you do not drink enough water, your skin can become dry and flaky. Aim for 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated and looking healthy.
·         Moisturize your skin after a bath, shower, and when you wash your hands. Your skin absorbs moisture best when it is damp.

Wash your face. Always wash your face before you go to bed. During the day, your skin is exposed to pollution, dirt, sweat, and bacteria. Washing your face at night will remove all of the day's gunk from your face. Going to bed with a dirty face can cause an acne breakout and leave you with dull looking skin in the morning.
·         Everyone should wash their face at night, but this is particularly important if you wear makeup. Sleeping in makeup can clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

Moisturize your skin. Nighttime is a great time to moisturize your skin. Although you are sleeping, your body is still working to repair your tissues. The increased blood flow you experience when you sleep helps your skin better absorb the moisture that you apply to your skin.
·         This is the time to use heavier, thicker moisturizers.
·         Moisturizers are best when applied to clean, slightly damp skin. Try to do this after you bathe and wash your face for the night.


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