How to Improve Sexual Health Through Diet

Incorporating The Right Nutrients To Promote Sexual Health

Increase vitamin C.
 Vitamin C is believed to help increase libido and blood flow. Vitamin C is especially important for women because it can help promote female sexual stimulation and health.
·         Vitamin C also helps maintain healthy sperm and the quality of sperm.
·         Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits, papaya, broccoli, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, kale, and bell peppers.

Increase vitamin A.
 Vitamin A is essential for male and female sex hormone production. It helps female reproductive cycles and can help with male sexual health by promoting healthy sperm.
·         Vitamin A can be found in carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and oatmeal.

Check for an iron deficiency.
 Iron deficiencies in women might have negative effects on their sexual health. Low iron levels can lower the libido, lessen the chances of an orgasm, and reduce lubrication.
·         You only need about 20 milligrams of iron a day. You can find iron in lean red meats, chicken, pork, leafy green vegetables, and beans.

Add zinc. Zinc helps reduce protactinium, which can suppress the libido.  It also helps promote healthy levels of testosterone, which is important for men and women.
·         Zinc also helps with sperm count in males.
·         You can find zinc in in red meat, shellfish, lamb, deer, and poultry. You can also find zinc in sesame seeds, raw pumpkin seeds, and green peas.

Add foods with vitamin B and magnesium. B vitamins, like folate and B6, can help support optimal hormone levels. B6 can help with female reproduction and fertility, while B12 helps stimulate male and female sex drives and aids in better orgasms.
·         Folate helps lower the number of abnormal sperm.
·         These nutrients are found in vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables, and beans and legumes.


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