How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Are you having trouble
sustaining an erection during sexual intercourse? As many as 50 percent of men
over 40 have been there, too. As millions will attest, erectile dysfunction can
be deeply frustrating and have a negative impact on both relationships and
self-confidence. The good news is that there are many ways to treat erectile
dysfunction, from simple lifestyle changes to medication to herbal remedies. If
you want to know how to overcome erectile dysfunction so you can feel happy in
the bedroom again, keep reading.
Get past your dislike of the doctor's office. Millions of
men who experience erectile dysfunction (ED) each year are too embarrassed to
talk about it with their doctor. ED is a very common disorder, but it is not
considered to be a "normal" part of aging. ED is often a signal that
there is an underlying problem that needs to be treated. Before attempting to
overcome ED on your own, it's very important to make an appointment with your
doctor and clear up any other issues that might be affecting your ability to
sustain an erection.
Talk to your doctor about your vascular health. If you have high
blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high blood sugar, it's possible that one
of these conditions has damaged arteries in your body and could contribute to
Heart disease and diabetes are two serious conditions that often
start with ED as a symptom. If you have one of these disorders, getting
treatment should help you overcome erectile dysfunction.
Exercise regularly. Make it a priority to get outside or go to the gym to walk, run, swim, bike, or do strength training at least 4 times a week. According to a study conducted by Harvard, walking 30 minutes a day caused a 41% drop in risk for ED. Getting regular exercise aids circulation, getting your blood pumping through your entire body. When it's time to sustain an erection, better circulation is key.
Keep your weight down. Larger waistlines are associated with higher rates of ED. Putting in the work to slim down can lead to huge improvements in the bedroom. Make sure you're eating a healthy diet loaded with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Avoid processed foods and foods made with refined sugars and
Replace high-calorie drinks with water or unsweetened tea.
Eat healthy snacks like nuts, carrots, and apples instead of
reaching for sugar-laden power bars or fast food.
Quit smoking. Smoking can make ED worse since it interferes with your
circulatory system and is linked to diseases that cause ED. If you're having
trouble sustaining an erection, now might be the time to give up the cigarettes
for good.
If quitting
doesn't seem possible right now, cut back as much as you can. If you can limit
your smoking to a few cigarettes a day, that's better than smoking a pack.
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is another substance that has a huge impact on erections. After a few drinks, many men of all ages find it much more difficult to stay hard.
Exercise your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor helps the penis stay hard during erections by pressing on a vein that keeps blood from leaving until the erection is over. Men who exercise their pelvic floor have better results than those who rely solely on lifestyle changes to correct erectile dysfunction. Perform Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscle.
To find your pelvic floor, tighten the muscles you'd need to
tighten to stop your urine flow.
Tighten and release the muscle 8 times, then rest and do it 8
more times. Continue until you've done 3 or 4 sets of 8.
Do Kegels every day at least once a day.
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