How to Improve Stamina

"Stamina" is the strength and energy needed to exert oneself for an extended period of time. The word most commonly refers to the exertion needed for physical activities like exercise and sports. However, "stamina" can also refer to the mental exertion needed to perform a task or get through a difficult situation. Improving either type of stamina (or both!) is a great choice if you're interested in living and feeling healthier.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Food is the fuel your body gets its energy from. A healthy, well-balanced diet keeps your body healthy and energized, raising your stamina. Try to eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean meats. For long-lasting energy, doctors also recommend having up to a third of your diet be composed of starches andcarbohydrates (whole wheat varieties are preferable).
  • To keep your body steadily supplied with energy throughout get energy by eating several smaller meals throughout the day rather than one or two large meals.
  • Snack on fruits, raw vegetables, nuts and other lean proteins between meals. Carry high-energy fruit and nut mixes with you during times of extended performance, such as hiking, cycling or cramming for final exams.

Stay hydrated. The health benefits of drinking lots of water are numerous - it can help you lose weight, prevent kidney stones, and much more. Water can alsoincrease stamina by fighting muscle fatigue. Muscle tissue that is under-hydrated can under-perform, so keep your stamina up by drinking water a few hours before strenuous exercise and during your workout as well.If you're starting on a long distance run or an extended exercise, have plenty of fluids with you so they'll be available if you get thirsty later.
  • If you're likely to drink more fluid if your drink is flavoured, consider using a sports drink like Gatorade, Powerade, etc. to dilute with water in a 7:1 ratio. Add just a splash of the sports drink to your water to add some flavor. These drinks have the added benefit of replacing your body's electrolytes - important nutrients involved in muscle function that are lost when you sweat.However, if you're also trying to lose weight, note that these drinks can be calorie-dense.
  • Use caffeinated energy drinks sparingly. They're good for a short boost, but can hamper long-term stamina.


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