How to Maximize Sperm Count
The higher your sperm count, the easier it
should be to father a child. When you ejaculate, your semen should contain at
least 15 million sperm per milliliter. If it is lower, this doesn’t mean you
can’t have a child, it just makes it harder. You can maximize your sperm count
by protecting your sperm from damaging substances, living a healthy lifestyle,
and getting treatment for any underlying medical problems.
Don’t smoke, and if you do, quit. Smoking is associated with a lower sperm count and
lower quality for the sperm that you do have. It can cause them to have the
wrong shape and be less mobile, making it harder for them to fertilize the
egg. If you quit, your sperm count may improve. If you need help
quitting, you can get support by:
Talking to your doctor, attending a treatment program, or seeing
a specialist. If you try nicotine replacement therapy, talk to your doctor
about whether this could also impact your sperm count.
Talking to friends and family.
Joining an in person or online support group.
Getting support from toll free hotlines which are available in
the US and many other countries. Check online or in your phone book for the
Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. Heavy drinking can reduce testosterone and lower sperm production. If you are concerned that your drinking might be lowering your sperm count and you need help quitting, there are lots of resources available to help you:
Join a detox program to get medical supervision during
Get support from a counselor or local support groups like
Alcoholics Anonymous.
Get counseling, either alone, or together with your partner or
Try medications to curb the cravings. Talk to your doctor first
before taking medications while trying to father a child.
Join a residential treatment program for round-the-clock medical
and emotional support.
Abstain from using illegal drugs. Various drugs may damage your testicles or sperm. In addition, drugs that are purchased on the street have no quality controls. This means that they could contain chemical contaminants that could be dangerous for your sperm. What type of damage occurs will depend upon what chemicals you have used and how much.
Cocaine and marijuana may lower sperm count and quality.
Anabolic steroids may shrink your testicles and reduce sperm
Avoid industrial or environmental chemicals
that may be dangerous to your sperm. If
your job puts you in contact with these substances, wear safety gear and talk
to your doctor about whether they could be lowering your sperm count. The
greater your exposure, the more likely it is that they will lower your sperm
count.These include:
Organic solvents
Painting materials
Heavy metals
Reduce your chances of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). STDs can cause damage the testicles, inhibit sperm production, or damage the tubes through which the sperm must pass. You can reduce your chances of contracting one by being monogamous with an uninfected partner or always using a latex condom when having non-monogamous sex.
Put a condom on before sexual contact begins and use it
If the condom breaks, replace it with a new one immediately.
Don't use expired condoms. They are more prone to breaking.
Right we should avoid industrial and environmental chemical that be dangerous to our sperm. But most of the time Sperm Count Increase Tablets are helpful for us.