How to Cope With Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is when a man has trouble getting and maintaining an erection long enough to have sex. This is frequently because of a physical condition like high blood pressure or fatigue; in fact, physical conditions and issues are the most common cause of ED. Almost all men will experience ED at some point in their lives, although this fact doesn't make the experience any less difficult. Improperly treated ED can cause relationship problems and self-esteem issues for men and their partners. Fortunately, ED is treatable and manageable, and you can take several steps to alleviate the problem and ensure it doesn't happen again.

Visit the doctor.
 There are several medical reasons you could be having ED: high or low blood pressure, poor circulation, high cholesterol, medications you're on, recreational drug use, and a long list of others. To narrow down the list, you'll have to visit your doctor. He can perform a full workup and determine what's causing your problem.

Take medication to help with ED. There are a number of drugs designed to treat and improve ED. When your doctor examines you, she may determine that these drugs are your best option. Some of the most common drugs include:
·         Sildenafil (Viagra)
·         Tadalafil (Cialis)
·         Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn)
·         Avanafil (Stendra)

Receive testosterone replacement. For some men, low testosterone is the cause of their ED. Lack of this hormone can make it difficult to get and stay aroused. Your doctor can confirm if you suffer from low testosterone with a blood test. If this test confirms that you have low testosterone, then you can begin hormone therapy to fix the problem.
·         Don't feel embarrassed; low testosterone is a very common problem for men.
Try implants or pumps. If you can't find any other solution to your ED, the doctor may recommend a pump or penile implant. These devices will allow you to inflate the penis and maintain an erection to have sex. They are usually only recommended when all other options have been tried.


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