How to Solve a Problem
Define the problem. Find
the real problem, not just the symptoms that result from the problem. When
defining the problem, do not consider things that are extraneous matters, only
what the actual problem is. You can consider the other issues later. Become
familiar with the problem and understand it fully.
For example, if your room is constantly messy, the problem might
not be that you’re a messy person. It might be that you lack containers or
places to put your items in an organized way.
Try to be as clear and thorough as possible when defining the
problem. If it is a personal issue, be honest with yourself as to the causes of
the problem. If it is a logistics problem, determine exactly where and when the
problem occurs.
Determine whether the problem is real or self-created. Do you
need to solve this problem or is this about something you want? Putting things
in perspective can help you navigate the problem-solving process.
Make important decisions first. Recognize the decisions you need to make and how they
will contribute to solving your problem. Making decisions can help you move
forward in solving your problems, so start by deciding on what to focus on,
what needs to get done, and how you will go about doing it.
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