How to Do Kegel Exercises for Pregnant Women

Find the right muscles during urination. Tightening your muscles during urination, if you do it correctly, will stop you from urinating. If you succeed, you have identified the muscles that you need to activate while doing kegel exercise.
·         You only need to practice on the toilet while you're finding the right muscles. Once you've figured out which muscles you need to engage, you can do the exercises anywhere.
·         In fact, you shouldn't continue to do the exercises while urinating, as it can keep urine in your bladder. In turn, that can cause bladder infections.
Practice stopping yourself from having gas. If you can't quite get the hang of it just from urinating, you can also try this trick. Remember that you're also trying to stop yourself from urinating as well. You should be feeling both at the same time.

Know what muscles not to use.
 When engaging your pelvic muscles, you shouldn't be using your thighs or stomach to help. You also shouldn't be using your buttocks muscles. Make sure you are just using your pelvic muscles.

Use your finger to find these muscles.
 If you are not sure if you are squeezing the right muscles, try to squeeze your finger with the muscles in question. To use this method, wash your hands first. Put your finger in your vagina. If you feel the pressure around it while trying to tighten the muscles of the pelvis, you are tightening the correct muscles.
·         You can also ask your partner to help you with this step if you can't do it yourself. You can ask your lover to use a finger or his penis to see if he or she can feel you tightening your muscles.


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