How to Stop Wet Dreams

Understand why wet dreams occur. While you're asleep, involuntary ejaculations will sometimes occur when your genitals become stimulated by your clothes or sleeping position, resulting in orgasm and ejaculation. They may even happen when no stimulation to the genitals occurs. Your body produces semen and seminal fluid whether you like it or not, whether you're sexually active or not, whether you masturbate regularly or not. Your body does this regardless of religious or cultural considerations.

·         If you're not orgasming regularly, but still are becoming aroused, excess seminal fluid from the prostate can make your genitals sensitive and tender, which may make wet dreams more likely.

Understand why wet dreams occur. While you're asleep, involuntary ejaculations will sometimes occur when your genitals become stimulated by your clothes or sleeping position, resulting in orgasm and ejaculation. They may even happen when no stimulation to the genitals occurs. Your body produces semen and seminal fluid whether you like it or not, whether you're sexually active or not, whether you masturbate regularly or not. Your body does this regardless of religious or cultural considerations.
·         If you're not orgasming regularly, but still are becoming aroused, excess seminal fluid from the prostate can make your genitals sensitive and tender, which may make wet dreams more likely.

Understand when wet dreams occur. During puberty, hormones ramp up the production of sperm in the body, making wet dreams more likely during the early teenage years. Typically, a wet dream happens while you're asleep, but ejaculation sometimes may occur at other times you experience involuntary sexual stimulation. You might sleep through a wet dream or you might wake up instantly. You may have an erection when you experience a wet dream, or you may not.
·         According to statistics, more than 80% of men experience at least one wet dream in their lifetime. The frequency of these was .36 times per week. This means that men who reported having wet dreams had, on average, one wet dream every three weeks or so.
·         Some men experience involuntary ejaculations in adolescence and then report that these wet dreams taper off into adulthood. Some men experience wet dreams regularly throughout their lives, regardless of frequent or infrequent sexual activity, while some men never experience them at all.
·         Wet dreams are normal. However, excessive wet dreams may need to be addressed by a doctor.

1.     Learn common myths about wet dreams. Wet dreams are not a sign of any physiological or psychological abnormality or condition. They are normal. In fact, they’re a perfectly natural sign that your reproductive system is functioning properly. In other words, wet dreams are not "a problem," outside of the embarrassment and the mess.
·         Some people used to think that wet dreams were a sign of "spermatorrhea" or "seminal weakness.” This is something that has absolutely no grounding in empirical science and is now classified as an "imaginary disease." There is no such thing as seminal weakness.
2.     It is also a myth, however, that males "must ejaculate" regularly to get rid of built-up sperm. It's true that "unused" semen is absorbed back into the body and that you don't "need" to ejaculate regularly to live a healthy and fulfilling life. However, some men do report fewer wet dreams when they are having more orgasms from sexual activity – whether masturbation or with a partner.


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