Male Infertility Cause of Hormonal Problems

A small percentage of male infertility is caused by hormonal problems.  The hypothalamus-pituitary endocrine system regulates the chain of hormonal events that enables testes to produce and effectively disseminate sperm.  Several things can go wrong with the hypothalamus-pituitary endocrine system:
• The brain can fail to release gonadotrophic-releasing hormone (GnRH) properly.  GnRH stimulates
  the hormonal pathway that causes testosterone synthesis and sperm production.  A disruption in
  GnRH release leads to a lack of testosterone and a cessation in sperm production.
• The pituitary can fail to produce enough lutenizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone
  (FSH) to stimulate the testes and testosterone/sperm production.  LH and FSH are intermediates
  in the hormonal pathway responsible for testosterone and sperm production.
• The testes’ Leydig cells may not produce testosterone in response to LH stimulation.
• A male may produce other hormones and chemical compounds which interfere with the
  sex-hormone balance.


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