How to Increase Libido

If you want to increase your libido for a romantic evening, set the mood by eating foods like strawberries, chocolates, and oysters, which are said to raise the sex drive. If you’re old enough to drink, a moderate amount of wine or other alcoholic beverage may help you relax, but use caution, since too much alcohol can affect your performance in the bedroom. If you need a little more help, ask your partner to help you play out one of your fantasies. Keep reading to learn how managing stress can help boost your libido!

Have a positive mental attitude and keep your stress level low.
 If you feel good and self confident you may feel more sexual and attractive to your partner.
·         Prolonged stress can lead to a diminished interest in sex. For people who work stressful jobs, or those with a long commute (we all know how stressful traffic can be), a pinched sex drive is often the result.
·         Men and women react differently to stressful situations. For men, sex is often a release of stressful energy; for women, stress makes sex anathema or beside the point. Understand the different reactions between the sexes and talk with your partner about engineering the right, non-stressful time for sex.

Consider, but do not overly rely on, special foods and supplements that claim to increase your libido. Natural supplements can help increase blood flow and sometimes help fight vaginal dryness.
·         Some natural supplements that may increase libido include: vitamin  zinc, vitamin C, arginine, vitamin A, vitamin C, Octacosanol, Beta-carotene, vitamin B6, and vitamin B complex. These nutrients may help to boost sperm count, improve sperm motility, enhance prostate gland function, increase testosterone production and create a healthier nervous system.
·         Some foods that may increase libido include: Celery, raw oysters, bananas, avocado, nuts, mangoes, peaches, strawberries, eggs, liver, figs, garlic, pumpkin and chocolate.
·         Certain foods and natural supplements such as these may add much needed nutrients and minerals to your diet, but they are unlikely to make a bigger impact on your sex drive and sexual performance as:
·         (1) a healthy, nutritious diet with plenty of lean protein, and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables (particularly dark green leafy vegetables such as kale or spinach);
·         (2) possibly daily vitamin and nutrient supplements to address any dietary deficiencies;
·         (3) regular exercise (enough to make you sweat) and resistance training; and
·         (4) reaching and maintaining a healthy body fat %.


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