How to Have a Good General Healthy Body

Eat a well-balanced diet . Having a well-balanced diet is one of the most important parts of maintaining a generally healthy body. Without a balanced diet, it'll be very difficult to maintain proper health. [4] · A balanced diet means that you consume foods from each food group most, if not every day. · In addition, you should consume a variety of foods within each food group. Having a wide variety of foods from food groups will allow you to consume a variety of different nutrients. [5] · Lastly, a balanced diet means eating the right proportions or servings of each food. [6] If you eat mostly protein foods but very few fruits or vegetables, your diet isn't balanced. Following the appropriate portion sizes of each food group: 3-4 oz (card deck sized) of protein, [7] 1 cup vegetables or 2 cups leafy greens,...