Erecticle Dysfunction Causes

Erectile dysfunction refers to the situation when a man has difficulty in getting a firm erection or an erection, which is required to achieve sexual penetration. Several cases of erectile dysfunction can cause impotency in a man.

1.     A problem in the blood flow, proper hormone secretion and nervous supply in the body may cause erectile dysfunction.
2.     Erectile dysfunction also happens due to vascular causes along with neurological causes.
3.     Arthrosclerosis is a disease which often leads to erectile dysfunction. This disease is commonly caused because of smoking and diabetes. The arteries to the penis become narrow and clogged and erectile dysfunction occurs.
4.     Neuropathy caused due to diabetes, known as diabetic neuropathy, is a primary neurological cause of erectile dysfunction. Nerve damage on account of surgery around the pelvis area may also lead to erectile dysfunction.
5.     High blood pressure or hypertension damages arteries all over the vascular system. Blood flow is impaired and proper erection is prohibited, which signifies erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction also happens due to physical causes such as:
1.     High cholesterol and obesity
2.     Parkinson's disease and multiple cases of sclerosis
3.     Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and substance abuse
4.     Disorder in anatomy or structure of the penis
5.     Surgical complications
6.     Several prescribed medicines may also lead to erectile dysfunction because of reactions and side effects.
Erectile dysfunction may also result due to several psychological causes:
1.    Depression makes a person uninterested in sex due to lower libido and may cause erectile dysfunction.
2.     A large amount of stress, fear, tension or anxiety may also lead to erectile dysfunction.
3.     Many men suffer from performance anxiety and feelings of sexual failure. This may result in erectile dysfunction.
4.     Poor communication with a partner or pressure from partner regarding sex may also cause erectile dysfunction.


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