How to Have Sex During Your Period

Get some towels. You don't want your menstrual fluid (combined with everything else) to soak into your sheets and mattress, so while you're having sex, place some towels beneath you and some tissues to your side. The towels will be on constant duty; the tissues will be used to wipe yourself off just before sitting up (when all is said and done).
• If odor is a problem, don't let it ruin the moment -- throw on some blankets. If you keep them above your midsections, they'll help block the wafting scents.

Stick to the missionary position. Lie on your back to lessen the flow of blood while you're having intercourse.
• Also, be careful about deep penetration because your cervix may be lower and more sensitive during your period. If anything starts to hurt, just tell your partner and proceed with care.

Have sex in the shower. Not only is this less messy from the get-go, it's a change of pace, too. When you're under the flow of the water, that other flow becomes a lot less noticeable.  If you can fit two in comfortably, give it a shot (if you haven't already!).

Don't get too handsy. Unless your partner's into the uterine lining, they probably shouldn't start feeling around down there. However, if you're the type that needs loads of foreplay, you're in luck! You already have a natural lubricant so your partner's fingers (and whatever else) can have the night off.
• That doesn't mean you should skip the foreplay entirely. No, no, no, no -- that's a travesty! Just use it as an excuse to experiment with new tricks and moves.

Stick to your lighter days. This just makes sense. If you know that days 3-5 are lighter than days 1 and 2, just keep your panties on for those 48 hours. Let the anticipation build and avoid any awkward trips to the laundromat.
• If it doesn't bother your partner and they're totally down for day 1 sex, evaluate your concerns. Maybe it's something you could get over -- after all, it's no less sanitary than what you've been doing. It's just a bit redder!

Take a shower after. There will probably be at least a little something on your skin that needs to be washed off. If you didn't do the deed in the shower, hop in after for at least a quick rinse. You'll feel better, too.
• If you're using toys during this time, get those things sanitary immediately. Putting it off will only result in a, how do you say, less-than-glamorous experience. All in all, get everything hygienic as quickly as possible.


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