How to Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Appreciate your effort. Because you are willing to take a good look at where you are already strong and where you could stand some improvement, you are a strong person already. It takes guts to sit down and do this work. Give your awesome self a pat on the back and remember that you are an amazing person. Write down what you do. In order to identify your strengths and weaknesses, think about the activities you either participate in the most or get the most pleasure out of. Spend a week or so writing down all of the activities you do throughout the a given day, rating them from one to five, depending upon how much you enjoy doing or participating in them. · Studies have found journaling to be a great method for becoming more self-aware and reflective towards one’s personal strengths and desires. This can be as simple as listing all of the most memorable moments of a given day to writing detailed narrati...