
Showing posts from 2019

How to Absorb Calcium

  Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body, and is essential for your overall health, including good bone formation. Some foods are excellent sources of calcium, but it’s not always easy for your body to absorb it from them. Try to eat a variety of calcium sources, and choose carefully if you are on a restricted diet. Calcium is also available in supplement form, but you may need to space out your doses or choose a specific type of supplement in order to help you body absorb the mineral well.    Get most of your calcium from a variety of foods, if possible.  Natural sources of calcium are a good foundation to ensure you’re getting enough of this crucial mineral. Various foods contain different forms of calcium, and combine it with other minerals and vitamins. Eating a variety of foods helps ensure that your body is absorbing enough of it. Good sources include. ·          Dairy produ...

How to Store Collard Greens

Collard greens are a nutritious green, leafy vegetable that are related to cabbage, broccoli, and kale. Although most popular in the American South, collard greens can be found in many grocery stores across North America and beyond. Once you bring your collard greens home, you will need to store them properly, in order to guarantee that they remain fresh and delicious. This can be done in several ways, depending on when you plan on using them. Do not wash the collard greens.  If you plan on using your collard greens within the next week, don't wash them before refrigeration. Introducing water to the greens can promote decay, cutting the length of their freshness down dramatically. ·          If you are concerned that your greens are too dirty to store in your refrigerator, know that they will be stored in an air-tight bag. Any dirt and grit will not get onto the surfaces in your fridge. Place the collard greens in an air...

How to Get Vitamin K

Take a multivitamin.  Multivitamins are great because they give you your recommended daily dose of many nutrients. Ask your doctor if taking a daily multivitamin would be good for you. ·          Some multivitamins might not contain vitamin K, so check the label before you buy. ·          There are multivitamins available for specific groups, such as children, pregnant women, and senior citizens. Take a vitamin K supplement.  You can also find vitamin K on its own. Look for vitamin K supplements at your local natural food store, health center, or pharmacy. Always talk to your doctor before taking a new supplement. ·          If you don’t see vitamin K at your local store, you can order the supplements online. Get a vitamin K shot if needed.  For people with a severe vitamin k deficiency, doctors may prescribe a vitamin K shot....

How to Improve Problem Solving Skills

Define the problem clearly.  This is an outwardly simple but vital step. If you don’t properly understand the problem, your solutions may be ineffective or fail entirely. To define the problem you will have to ask questions and look at different angles. For example, is there one problem or actually several? Can you restate the problem in your own words? By spending time with the problem you will better understand it and be equipped to generate solutions. ·          Try to formulate questions. Say that as a student you have very little money and want to find an effective solution. What is at issue? Is it one of income – are you not making enough money? Is it one of over-spending? Or perhaps you have run into unexpected expenses or your financial situation has changed? Define your objective.  State your aim as another means to reach the nature of the problem. What is it that you want to achieve? What is it that you w...

How to Face Problems in Your Life

Having problems in your life can feel overwhelming and it may be that the last thing you want to do is face them. Fortunately though, dealing and coping with problems is a well-studied area and there are many cognitive, emotional, and behavioral steps that can be taken to effectively face your problems head on. Acknowledge the problem.  It can be tempting to stay away from the issue that is causing you problems. However, avoiding the problem does not help solve it. Instead, accept that the problem exists and ask yourself some questions about it. What are the consequences of this problem? Who does it involve? ·          If you don’t think you have a problem, but everyone tells you there is a problem, try to see if there is truth to it. ·          If you are having trouble admitting you have a problem, you might be in denial. For example, if you don’t want to accept that a close family...

How to Prevent Blood Clots With Vitamin E

A blood clot forms once the blood becomes stagnant. 2 types of blood clots form when there is damage to the blood vessel lining. One type of blood clot forms within an artery. The other type of blood clot forms inside a vein. One way to prevent the formation of blood clots is to implement vitamin E into your daily regime. You can accomplish this by eating a diet rich in vitamin E and you can also take vitamin E supplements. Researchers believe vitamin E helps prevent dangerous blood clots from forming which can lead to heart attacks or venous thromboembolism. Learn how you can implement vitamin E into your diet so you can stop blood clots from taking form. Eat a bowl of whole grain cereal or fortified cereal for breakfast.  Food with whole grains contains a significant amount of vitamin E. Consume fish, poultry or any other lean meats for lunch.  This can be turkey, roast beef, ham or pastrami. Ask for whole grain bread as opposed to white or sourdough bread. ...

How to Add Vitamins to Water

Vitamin-enhanced waters have become a multi-million dollar business in recent years. Yet, these drinks are relatively expensive and may not deliver all the nutrients they promised. In fact, most Americans aren’t vitamin-deficient and probably don’t need vitamin water, But by recognizing water soluble vitamins and adding them to your water with food or supplements, you can get an extra dose of nutrition and even add some flavor to plain water. Use supplements only as necessary.  You might find it hard to get enough vitamins and nutrients through your diet. While it’s ok to add a multi-vitamin or supplements to your water, try and get as many of these as possible from foods. [3] ·          Consult with your doctor before taking vitamins and supplements to ensure they are safe for you. ·          Be aware of vitamin “mega doses,” which may be detrimental to your health. · ...

How to Get Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays important roles in many of the organs and processes of the body, including blood clotting, bone metabolism, and vascular health. Having a deficiency is rare because beneficial bacteria in our intestines make vitamin K, but it is possible. The recommended daily requirement for healthy adults is 100 – 200 mcg/day — luckily, it is easy for most people to meet this requirement. Eat leafy greens.  Leafy greens are an excellent source of vitamin K. Some greens that contain large amounts of vitamin K are kale, mustard greens, collard greens, and spinach. ·          You don’t need to eat very much of these greens to get your vitamin K. An average serving of green vegetables has about 600% of your recommended daily intake. ·          For most leafy greens, 1 cup raw greens (1/2 cup cooked) is considered a serving. ·          You can ...